Hello you lovely little green thumbs you! We have had A LOT of activity at DGS lately. "The Shed" is scaring and wowing those of all ages, and we've got spells sealed in bottles, certain to spook! But what we haven't had is much good ol' fashioned gardening. We've got many plots that are down right shameful, and we need to reset our composting facility. We're gonna need some teamwork! At least the weather is nearly perfect.
I think it's also time for another Master Gardner Class! The last one was so helpful and great fun!
In the mean time, bring your friends and family to tour The Shed, it's incredible! And scary! When Halloween is behind us I hope you all can come back and plant some seeds (after we pull tons of grass 😬). We have new members to help get set up, and current members that are in the wind, let's recollaborate and get our little oasis ready for a bountiful and beautiful fall season!
Happy Planting